The Jewish Cemetery Association of Greater Waterbury

The Jewish Cemetery Association of Greater Waterbury is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and maintenance of the Jewish cemeteries located in the Waterbury, Connecticut area. The association, formed in 2003, was the creation of Leo Goldberg a long-time Waterbury resident. Founded in the first half of the twentieth century by various organizations, the Jewish cemeteries by the 1980’s could no longer sustain themselves due to demographic changes. Leo consolidated them under one umbrella organization allowing the continuation of the cultural heritage they represent.
Today the association manages nine cemeteries. If you would like to locate an existing grave, please visit our Cemetary Maps page, or if you would like to locate an available plot, please visit our Plots & Monuments page. Operated entirely by volunteers we oversee the maintenance of the grounds, preservation of the properties, and conservation of the archives. The continuity of operation and ongoing support of the local Jewish community is our primary mission.
Contact Us
Please contact us if you have any questions at If you want to be included on our mailing list and annual fund raiser please fill in the form. Please note that the JCA does not share your contact information with any other organizations.
The Jewish Cemetery Association of Greater Waterbury receives the bulk of its operating capital from donations. Every year, prior to Rosh Hashanah, we send a fund raising letter. If you would like to be included in that drive please fill put out the form above. Alternatively you can make a donation here. Donations to the association are charitable donations.